The romantic story unfolds as Brack, the lover interest, played by Michael Hendrick, escapes from prison to be with his beloved Jenny, played by Geraldine Ramey.
The Rockmart Journal, Rockmart, Georgia
June 1, 1988
A romantic Appalachian opera under the stars is promised at Berry College Thursday, May 19, as the Berry Singers present “Down in the Valley,” by Kurt Weill at 8 p.m. in the Log Cabin Area near Barnwell Chapel.
The public is invited to bring blankets and picnic dinners to take full advantage of the natural setting. Admission is free.
The one – act opera, based on Appalachian folk tunes, will be performed by the Berry Singers under the direction of Harry Musselwhite, assistant professor of music. The romantic story unfolds as Brack, the lover interest, played by Michael Hendrick, escapes from prison to be with his beloved Jenny, played by Geraldine Ramey.
Brad Hood appears as the leader, Richard Lawless as the villain, and Robert Simms plays the father.
The Berry Singers include Brad Hood of Milan, Richard Lawless of Chatsworth, Seth Bussey of Tifton, Myers McAllister of Tifton, Michael Hendrick of LaGrange, David Fletcher of Jacksonville, Florida, and Eric Batson of Greenville, South Carolina.,2550897