June 11, 2022
Songs of Pentecost this morning at St Mark’s. Stunning!!! While there were many stunning moments this morning, if you do nothing else, listen to the power of “Every Time I Feel The Spirit” with Michael...
November 25, 2019
One might be forgiven a little déjà vu seeing American tenor Michael Robert Hendrick clothed in seemingly the same denim overalls...
June 14, 2018
Mandarin was Orange on Friday at the Bartók Plus Opera Festival, and even three. In the guest house of the Croatian National Theater we saw the tragicomic opera of Prokofiev, The Love of the Three Oranges....
June 14, 2018
Mandarin után narancs volt terítéken tegnap a Bartók Pluszon, sőt, mindjárt három is. A Horvát Nemzeti Színház vendégjátékában Prokofjev tragikomikus operáját, A három narancs szerelmesét láthattunk. A...
April 24, 2017
The tenor Michael Robert Hendrick shone in ‘Masada’, no less moved and delivered, where the heroism of the people besieged in the Rock of Masada, Israel, is narrated, and when they...
February 25, 2017
U ulozi Princa nastupio je američki tenor Michael Robert Hendrick, jedini inozemni gost, koji je oduševio ne samo točnim i u izrazu pogođenim tumačenjem hipohondričnog, razmaženog, a opet pompoznog...
February 25, 2017
The role of the Prince was performed by the American tenor Michael Robert Hendrick, the only international guest, who thrilled us not only with his correct interpretation and vision of a spoiled hypochondriac...
September 27, 2016
Michael Robert Hendrick sang the Bacchus-esque role of Waldemar with a strong upper register and admirable dramatic insight…a heartfelt and powerful performance. Lyrical sections such as “Mit...
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