January 24, 2005
Michael Hendrick (as Laca) who loves (Jenufa) but inflicts a disfiguring injury on her… A first class performance, and equal to a knockout in musical and emotional potency.
It’s tempting, but inaccurate,...
January 24, 2005
Michael Hendrick played Lennie as ‘just a big kid,’ in keeping with the composer’s stated intentions. His steady, secure tenor captured the young man’s physical power as well as his innocence, most affectingly...
January 1, 2005
Hendrick has a large and brilliant voice.
The Chautauquan Daily
January 1, 2005
Michael Hendrick, playing and singing the role of Faust, was strong in his voice and wonderful in his theatrics. He transforms from an aged man contemplating suicide to a young amorous adventurer nicely...
November 8, 2004
Bacchus was sung well by tenor Michael Hendrick.
The Globe and Mail (Montréal)
November 6, 2004
Michael Hendrick possède une fort estimable voix de ténor héroïque, argentée et magnifiquement soutenue, et livre une convaincante interprétation de l’impayable Ténor/Bacchus.
L’envers du...
June 11, 2004
Michael Hendrick takes his role very seriously, as he did in the prologue. His Bacchus, whose high notes are secure and well projected, gains in beauty what it loses in vocal characterization. These...
June 11, 2004
Michael Hendrick prend son rôle très au sérieux, comme il l’avait fait dans le prologue. Son Bacchus, dont les aigus sont sûrs et bien projetés, gagne en beauté vocale ce qu’il perd en...
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