September 26, 2016
The singers who stood out especially with their singing craft and dramatically suggestive interpretation of the text, were the german tenor guest Michael Robert Hendrick and...
September 26, 2016
Pjevačkim umijećem i dramatično sugestivnim tumačenjem teksta osobito su se istaknuli gostujući njemački tenor Michael Robert Hendrick i naša operna prvakinja...
September 24, 2016
Nikada do sada Schönberg u Zagrebu nije dobio takve ovacije
By Jagoda Martinčević
U subotu je bila jedna od nažalost samo dvije predviđene izvedbe. Pred punom dvoranom nastupilo je više od 300...
September 24, 2016
Never before has Schönberg received such an ovation in Zagreb
By Jagoda Martinčević
Saturday was one of unfortunately only two scheduled performances. More than 300 musicians performed in front...
May 1, 2016
Marking his MO debut, Michael Robert Hendrick’s deeply compassionate portrayal of the hulking Lennie, described in today’s kinder, gentler terms as a person labeled with an intellectual disability, perfectly...
April 25, 2016
If there is one reason to see this show, it must surely be Michael Robert Hendrick’s deeply compassionate portrayal of the hulking Lennie. In his MO debut, the American tenor perfectly balanced his character’s...
February 14, 2016
Sarasota Opera’s spot-on ‘Fidelio’ offers a change of pace
Michael Robert Hendrick as Florestan, the prisoner and husband of Leonora, had strong moments of acting and singing…...
April 23, 2015
Salome is an adolescent girl showing her erotic charisma to stepfather Herod (excellent with cutting character tenor Michael Hendrick) specifically in the veil dance, not only to the entire court.
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